Measurement of Acceleration, Inclination Angles or Angular Velocity
The sensor is located at the red rectangle position. Press keypad "9" to measure the variation of 3D acceleration in g (moving), inclination angles in degree (stationary) or angular velocity within 10s.

When the mobile logger is accelerating or decelerating, it will record the acceleration ax, ay and az along its three (X, Y and Z) axes in unit of g (acceleration due to gravity). When it is non-accelerating or stationary, it will record the inclination angles between the Earth's normal and its three axes. The X and Y axes are shown in the above diagram while the Z axis is pointing vertically upwards from the surface of the logger. Furthermore, the logger will record the angular velocity in unit of Deg/s or degrees per second (dps) around the X, Y and Z axes.

Press "D" and then "*" in the keypad to select one of the following combinations of physical quantities to record:

  1. Acceleration in 3D
  2. Inclination Angles
  3. Angular Velocity in 3D
  4. Acceleration and Angular Velocity
  5. Inclination Angles and Angular Velocity