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Use of the mobile logger (with or without this App) (Version 2)

After powering on the mobile logger for 10s, press suitable button(s) in the keypad:
0 = Sound level (Slot#7)
1 = Temperature & humidity (Slot#1)
2 = Air pressure, altitude and temperature
3 = Light intensity
4 = Flame IR level (Slot#2)
5 = Gas level (Slot#3)
6 = Compass direction and magnetic field
7 = IR temperature of object surface and surrounding (Slot#6)
8 = pH value (Slot#4)
9 = Inclination angles of the logger (static) or 3D acceleration and angular velocity (moving)

D0 = Voltage (Slot#2)
D1 = Turbidity (Slot#5)
D2 = PM2.5 (and PM1.0 and PM10) level (Slot#8)
D3 = CO2 concentration (Slot#7)
D4 = O2 concentration (Slot#5)
D5 = UV intensity
D6 = DS thermometers (Slot#1)
D7 = Ultrasonic motion (Slot#8)
D8 = Electric voltage & current (Slots#2 & #3)
D9 = Current (Slot#3)

* = Help
# = Re-activate the sleeping LCD panel
A = Re-take previous measurement
B = Break the continuous measurement mode
C = Continuous measurement mode
D = Prefix for special sensors or commands
DB = Reboot the device
DC = Clear LCD panel
DD = MultiSensors
D# = Calibrate sensor
D* = Configure sensor/net

Slot# refers to the default socket number to plug in the external sensor. The number may be re-allocated by the user.

Connection to mobile logger by Bluetooth

  1. Click the Search BT Devices button to enable your Bluetooth device and scan for your logger.
  2. After a while (~1 min), you should choose the Bluebooth for your device and note its name such as MLGXY (e.g. MLG03) or (SESXY, e.g. SES27 for older version).
  3. Input PIN = XYXY (e.g. 0303) to connect via Bluetooth.

Even without Bluetooth connection to any mobile logger, you may click the right top menu to (a) preview files (including log records *.log, graph data *.txt, graphs and photos *.jpg), (b) plot graphs and (c) draw Google maps (if GPS data collected) for existing log records.

You can also connect to the mobile logger by Wi-Fi (if module available) or USB cable.

Copyright(2014-2022). YEUNG Yau Yuen. Welcome to send feedback or comments by email to yeungy@acm.org